Although the instructors are well known and the class titles sound as if one needs to be a expert to participate or appreciate beginners will definitely be able to benefit from them.
There a couple of truth to consider about workshops like this. First is that every class even if tailored to an upper level of participant experience will inevitably be composed of students with a wide variety of skills and abilities. All of them are their because they want to learn which makes them, for the duration, more alike than different.
Second is that the difference between an advanced class and a beginner is more about the demands that the students make on themselves. Beginners and advanced students can work through the same techniques but the level of performance and precision differs. Each student takes away something appropriate to their own level of experience and understanding.
So if you are a sport fencer or a actor who does stage combat or if you never trained with smallsword but always wanted to try I would encourage you to consider the event. Remember that everyone who is up in front leading the class was a rookie once upon a time.