Notice, I will allow the discount to run until the day of the event!
Our theme this year is . . . . .
Introducing Monsieur La Boëssière
Arguably Smallsword had reached its zenith by about 1800. Most of the influential instruction manuals such as Angelo, Girard and others had been published years before. By the time "Treatise on the Art of Arms" is published in 1818 daily carry for civilians was passing out of style. However the memory of those we would think of as icons of the Golden Age of Smallsword lingered. Chief among these would be the legendary Chevalier Saint Georges.
We are fortunate to have in this text not only a detailed account of his longtime friend but the full course of training that Saint Georges undertook at the hands of the elder La Boëssière, the fencing master mostly remembered only as the inventor of the mesh fencing mask. La Boëssière’s method of teaching and the elegance and effectiveness they create has long deserved more attention as the beginning of Classical Fencing. He emphasizes adherence to principles, speed and precision, opposition, attacks from distance, and taking advantage of your opponents lost time. It is that refined and demanding style and unique interactive method of the elder La Boëssière that we will explore in this class. I can guarantee that by the end of the class you will know what it means to fence in the style of La Boëssière. I just cannot guarantee you will fence as well as Saint Georges.
In order to facilitate a more authentic experience we are requesting if at all possible that attendees wear standard fencing attire and protective gear to cover all exposed skin. No shorts for example. Period appropriate attire is allowed and appreciated. Please dress modestly. Doing so avoids undue distraction, demonstrates the seriousness of your intent, respects your fellow students and instructors, and enhances the reputation of the event.
Again let me remind you that your instructors are all highly skilled volunteers who attend at their own expense. Please refrain from impolite behavior. Do not converse while the instructor is talking. Please do not dispute with the instructors or their assistant. Do not offer alternatives or change the drills. All of the instructors are happy to debate after their class, especially if it is over a blade or a drink.
The tournament will emphasize the style taught at the event as found in the manual. Please make an attempt to follow the spirit of the game and fence in that style. Rules have been crafted to encourage restrained civilized encounters. Target will be front torso only. Contact the head of the opponent, forfeit the bout. Grab the opponents blade, loose a point. More than two thrusts in succession without returning to guard, loose a point. Additional points will be awarded for a successful attack delivered with "Style" as taught in the manual. (High Hand, Opposition and etc . . .)
Are you ready to get in the spirit?