We are two weeks from the event and I just wanted to give you all a little update. I met with Christoph Amberger yesterday to discuss what he will bring to "Show and Tell" and I guarantee that you will be blown away. I am not going to list the original fencing texts, prints, and weapons that he is showing but you will regret missing this opportunity. I will be working on fine tuning the "scenario" and rules for the tournament at class over the next weeks. The instructor for the "Intro to Smallsword" has dropped out so I will be doing that class myself. It is traditional to give classes a bit of a cheeky title or theme. For an Intro I think an appropriate theme to be Multum in Parvo. (Latin for Much from Little.) Kind of the Roman version of "Less is More" here is a little video from Judo that encapsulates the concept. VIDEO